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Home - News - Chizhou Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology to promote the development of magnesium aluminum copper industry

Chizhou Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology to promote the development of magnesium aluminum copper industry

May 15, 2024
Chizhou magnesium aluminum copper industry new scale of 9 enterprises, a total of 64 households, the output value increased by 17.6%, higher than the new material industry output growth rate of 3 percentage points, higher than the industrial output growth rate of 6.5 percentage points.
1. Effective policy guidance. Participated in the drafting of the provincial "Guidance on Promoting the High-quality Development of Magnesium-based Material Industry", led the drafting of the "Chizhou Magnesium-based New material Industry high-quality Development Action Plan for three years" (2024-2026), went to China Nonferrous Metal Industry Association to carry out exchanges, and planned to hold the high-quality development conference of magnesium-based new materials in Chizhou City in May. In September, 2024 Chizhou Magnesium based Energy Storage Development Conference was held in our city.
(2) The leader accelerated growth. The key monitoring of 33 billion yuan or more enterprises increased by more than 20% of 16 enterprises, the output value increased by 16.6%, accounting for 96.6% of the total output value of the magnesium aluminum copper industry. Youjin Guanhua, Qifang cable two copper enterprises to achieve output value of 2.2 billion yuan, 1.9 billion yuan, an increase of 14.6%, 3.4%, Anhui Rixu intelligent equipment Co., Ltd. as a magnesium-based equipment manufacturing enterprises, output value increased by 70.5%.
(3) The agglomeration effect is prominent. Qingyang County focused on magnesium base, in accordance with the "leading enterprise - industrial chain - industrial cluster - industrial ecology" path, to promote the construction of production and application of innovative talent four bases, to achieve an output value of 690 million yuan, an increase of 5.5%. Jiangnan Industrial Concentration Zone focused on aluminum base, attracting die casting enterprises around automotive lightweight, photovoltaic and other industries, and gradually optimizing the industrial layout of the park, achieving an output value of 1.58 billion yuan, an increase of 17.9%. Guichi District and Chizhou Economic Development Zone focus on copper base, and strengthen and improve the four industrial chains of copper rod and wire - electrolytic copper foil, copper alloy wire - zipper, copper rod and wire - wire and cable, copper plate belt, respectively, to achieve an output value of 5.46 billion yuan and 2.36 billion yuan, an increase of 4% and 60.5%.
4. Improving the quality of development. Magnesium aluminum copper industry added the first batch of new material products in Anhui Province 3, a record high. In total, there are 5 state-level small giant enterprises, 17 provincial specialized and special new enterprises, 9 provincial enterprise technology centers, 3 provincial industrial design centers, 3 provincial digital workshops, 2 provincial first sets of major technical equipment, 6 provincial first batch of new materials, 9 provincial industrial products, and 8 provincial new products. (
#Chizhou aluminum magnesium copper