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How long is the service life of building aluminum formwork

June 1, 2024
The service life of building aluminum formwork is affected by many factors, including material quality, use environment, construction technology and operation level. Therefore, its service life is not a fixed number, but a range. The following is a detailed answer to the service life of building aluminum templates:
1. ** Material quality ** : The material quality of aluminum template directly affects its service life. High-quality aluminum has better strength and corrosion resistance, and can withstand longer construction pressure and the influence of the external environment. Therefore, aluminum templates with high-quality materials will have a longer service life.
2. ** Use environment ** : The use environment of aluminum template is also an important factor affecting its service life. The climatic conditions and construction methods of the construction site will have an impact on the loss of aluminum formwork. In harsh environmental conditions, such as high temperature, humidity, corrosive substances, etc., the service life of aluminum templates may be shortened.
3. ** Construction technology and operating level ** : The technical level of the construction process and the technical level of the operator will also have an impact on the service life of the aluminum template. Reasonable construction technology and skilled operation can reduce the loss of aluminum formwork and extend its service life.
Combining the above factors, the service life of building aluminum templates can generally be divided into two situations:
* The service life of the outsourcing template is generally about 30 times.
* The service life of self-produced aluminum templates is longer, and can generally be used about 50 to 100 times.
In order to extend the service life of aluminum formwork, the maintenance and maintenance of aluminum formwork should be strengthened. For example, regular application of lubricant to reduce friction and wear; Follow operating procedures during installation and disassembly to avoid damage; And pay attention to the storage environment, avoid direct sunlight and humid environment. These measures are helpful to extend the service life of aluminum formwork and reduce the engineering cost.