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What is the price of building aluminum formwork

June 1, 2024
The price of construction aluminum formwork varies depending on the region, brand, quality and other factors. The following is the price range of construction aluminum formwork according to the publicly released information:
1. ** Price per square meter ** :
- Prices range from ¥15.00/ m2 to ¥360.00/ m2. For example, the price of aluminum templates in some regions may be ¥15.00/ square meter, while in other regions or brands, the price may be as high as ¥360.00/ square meter.
2. ** Price per sheet or block ** :
- Some products are priced by sheet or block, with prices ranging from ¥14.00/ sheet to ¥52.00/ sheet. This also depends on factors such as the size, thickness, material and brand of the template.
It should be noted that the above prices are for reference only, and the actual prices may change due to market supply and demand, raw material price fluctuations, regional differences, brand influence and other factors. Therefore, if you need to buy construction aluminum formwork, it is recommended to contact the supplier directly or visit the relevant B2B platform (such as Made in China, Alibaba, etc.) to get the latest quotes and details.
In addition, although the price is an important consideration, but in the selection of construction aluminum formwork, should also consider the quality of the template, durability, environmental performance and supplier's after-sales service and other factors, to ensure that the purchase of cost-effective, in line with the construction requirements of the product.