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Home - News - Yuefeng aluminum editor-in-chief of two national standards released

Yuefeng aluminum editor-in-chief of two national standards released

June 3, 2024
Recently, the State Administration for Market Supervision and Administration and the Standardization Administration issued the announcement of China's National Standards No. 6 in 2024, in which Yuefeng Aluminum approved the release of the General Industrial Aluminum and aluminum alloy plates and strips Part 2: Mechanical Properties and General Industrial Aluminum and aluminum alloy plates and strips Part 3: Two national standards, Size deviation, will be officially implemented on November 1, 2024.
With the continuous optimization and improvement of production capacity and production equipment, the application field of general industrial aluminum and aluminum alloy plates and strips continues to expand, and market requirements continue to improve, mechanical properties and dimensional deviation as the most important performance of general industrial materials, must keep up with the pace of the market. On July 19, 2022, the National Standardization Management Committee issued the revision task of the national standards for "General industrial aluminum and aluminum alloy plates and strips Part 2: Mechanical Properties" and "General Industrial aluminum and aluminum alloy plates and strips Part 3: Dimensional Deviation", with a completion period of 2023. After the plan was issued, under the leadership of the Non-ferrous Metal Technical and Economic Research Institute Co., LTD., Yuefeng Aluminum actively contacted production units, user units, scientific research institutes, testing institutions and other relevant units, collected performance data, investigated the use of standards, combined with actual production data and standard results, to develop high practicality and operability standards. During the revision of the standard, the preparation group organized more than 10 meetings of task implementation meetings, seminars, pre-review meetings, review meetings, etc. to fully discuss the new alloys, states, performance indicators, specifications and size grade and classification suggestions, and improve them in the standard text. At the same time, more than 100,000 sets of performance and size deviation data from domestic manufacturers are collected, and the standards are improved from the actual production situation in China to ensure the accuracy of the standards.
After the revision of the standard, the key performance indicators can fully meet the requirements of general industrial aluminum sheet and strip at home and abroad, and will play a promoting role in improving the technical level of China's "intelligent manufacturing 2025, Industry 4.0".